• 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 28, The Humanity

    I spent the afternoon in near hysterics having realized that the way I applied for an absentee ballot was completely wrong for a citizen abroad. Once that was sorted, I ate a boring and healthy dinner due to the copious amount of cookies I had for lunch, and was joined by the Brazilian and the male Korean roommate. What a strange little family we are, I thought to myself at one point. The Korean asked me if I was from Miami since I said I was from Florida and Miami is a Florida city. “No,” I answered, feeling gleefully vindictive in a short and obvious reply. The Brazilian had made…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020,  Thoughts & Drabbles

    September 27, Language

    I felt a cold creeping up on me last Saturday which also happened to mark the midpoint of perhaps the most stressful two weeks in a long, long time. Immigration inconsistency (again), politics in my home country, personal relationships, identity, school exams all formed the least delicious ice cream sundae. The cold finally reared its head Friday and I decided to heed the old advice and just rest. No gym, no sightseeing, no guilt. By Sunday night, I felt replete with an energy I hadn’t had in weeks. Is this what it feels like to be well rested? I could feel this way every day?? My god. Friday afternoon in…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020,  Thoughts & Drabbles

    September 24, Re-center

    Because of (another) Christian cult, cases spiked a few weeks ago in Seoul and haven’t been completely eradicated.  I texted with C briefly and she told me they are now doing online interactive classes at the elementary school. “All the kids look sad and bored,” she said. I was inexplicably filled with that ghost of rage regarding English education and I had to take a step back to ask myself why. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of public school English education in Korea. A focus on reading comprehension is a detriment to the most fundamental use of language: communication. It feels in my experience that Korean…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 20, Part of (another) Family

    Even though Seoullites warned me repeatedly that I wouldn't understand the Busan accent, to my great suprise and accomplishment, I found it no more difficult to listen to a Gyeonsgang family playfully rib each other for 3 hours than any other Korean conversation. Which is to say, I understood as little of it as I do in every other Korean conversation I have.

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 19, Brunch

    I made a true American brunch for freshman and houseowner, complete with mimosas. The freshman appeared from her room in a long, high waisted skirt. “Are you going somewhere?” “To our brunch!” She replied to my utter delight. Someone who enjoys themes, excellent! I can’t often cook for other because iconic American dishes require an oven so it’s always a high point when I can share a little piece of home.

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 18, First Meeting

    After a conversation where I answered “where are we meeting again” four times too many, I finally wrangled a third of the class to meet in person. The first to arrive was the German who towered over our handshake at six foot seven. Our Uzbek classmate with theee Chinese students were next, then the round faced Chinese boy who is adorable and sweet in every way sat down, and last to arrive was my hot pot classmate from last weekend. We talked in a mix of Korean, English, and Chinese for two hours: we complained about our test, we talked about representative foods from our countries, I explained that America…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 17, Fish

    I powered through another 4 hours of online class, just barely, and on the advice of my nutritionist tried to take a breather. She explained to me that our body does not differentiate the type of stress we experience– physical, mental, emotional– and it’s all coded the same. Therefore powering through or “pushing through the pain” will only cause your stress bucket to overflow. With that in mind, I haven’t worried so much about making it to the gym. I already follow a fairly regulated eating plan and walk 2 to 6 miles a day. If I’m adding cups of stress to the bucket, the cups this week have been…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    September 15, The Longest Day of the Year

    For thirteen hours I traveled. For thirteen hours I was in and out and on and off public transportation, all so I could get that one magical item that unlocks just about everything in Korea. As you know, I had to apply for my D10 visa in Seoul and for reasons unclear to me, I was also required to return to Seoul to pick it up. No mailing options available. Plane tickets were both fastest and cheapest so for 40,000 won (about $30) I bought a round-trip ticket to Seoul. Domestic flying is very straightforward in Korea and Busan check-in plus security took less than five minutes, then I was…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    Airport Fashion

    I thought nothing could top the faux fur-lined crocs of a monk riding the subway but I was proven wrong. A young man was decked from head to toe in Gucci: ugly green and red sneakers, a GG tracksuit, a Mickey Mouse Gucci T-shirt which calls into so many questions the business relationship between the two, and a Gucci cap. He also had a bag slung across his shoulder and by the red and green straps I knew that too was Guccci. He had glasses but I’m not hip or rich enough to tell if they were a local buy. His two friends were in brandless gym clothing though one…