• Advice

    South Korea: Renewing Your E2 Visa Online

    Are you a public school teacher renewing with the same school? Then this list applies to you. Documents: Passport Scan Signed Contract School Business Certificate (고유번호증/사업자등록증) School ID 고유번호증 Obtain this from your school administration (행정실). Proof of Employment (재직증명서) Obtain this from your school administration (행정실). School Teaching Timetable (수업시간표) Request this from your co-teacher or make one yourself. Note: this does not need to be stamped by your school but YMMV. Proof of Income (소득금액증명원) for the previous year Obtain this from Hometax. Income Withholding Receipt (근로소득원천징수부) for the previous year Obtain this from Hometax, NEIS, or your administration office; if you are applying for renewal early in…

  • 3.4 Winter 2021-2022

    February 16, It’s my party and I can cry if I want to

    Usually, being polite is sufficient to convince people to be a little patient with my mediocre Korean skills. That’s not always the case, though. The seemingly endless back and forth I’ve had with immigration regarding my online visa renewal application has been a headache. No matter how many times I call the immigration hot line, the other officers in Changwon reviewing my application find new ways to torture me. I mean, new documents I must scrounge up and submit. I had already started an online renewal application, but wanted to gather everything possible in case I did need to go to immigration in person. Helen had left for vacation, Jack…

  • 3.4 Winter 2021-2022

    February 11, Take that, old man!

    If you don’t know by now, there’s a certain class of person in Korea called 아저씨 “ajusshi”. This term is usually what you can politely called a much older man that you don’t know. But of course, calling a young man or a man who thinks he is young by this term can be insulting. These men have their own stereotype. They are usually gruff, big smokers, big drinkers, impatient, and a big fan of fishing vests. I’ve met many a man who fit this category perfectly. They are the men that I usually fight with the most. They might also be the men that are the most helpful, like…

  • 3.4 Winter 2021-2022

    February 3, Hospital merry go round

    Jack, I, and all other contract employees have to submit a yearly health check to school. The test includes tuberculosis, HIV, and drugs. As if it’s even possible to get drugs in Korea. Marijauna use carries heavier penalties than assault. I was nervous because it meant going to a Korean hospital that I don’t know. As you’re well aware, I can either have a wholly positive experience, or a terrible, tear-inducing experience. Or today, I found out I can have both! Helen warned me before leaving that Korea has changed the COVID testing procedure given the uptick in omicron cases. As a result, anyone with symptoms is required to get…