• 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    August 29

    Today, Busan people have proven to be aggressively friendly. And in another astonishing fact, more people have willingly, and usually unpromptedly, spoken to me in English these last few days than the entirety of my time in Seoul. It really calls into question all the times Seoul people have said “How will you survive outside of Seoul? It’s so inconvenient.“ I took the bus which was frankly too efficient and attempted to find some workout clothes at an UnderArmour outlet. Then I took myself on a self-led tour of my soon to be campus. Well, due to the recent COVID outbreak I’ll be having classes online so my theoretical campus.…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    I heard my roommate tell his girlfriend on the phone about the amazing red sunrise over Busan today. “It was so red, like that chair. I thought I was dreaming.” He noticed me at the kitchen table a few minutes later and excitedly told me the same story. And then I suddenly knew, without a doubt, that he too is an ENFP.

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    And now… Busan.

    I got approved for my new visa, I moved out of my terrible little one room in Seoul, and I made my way down in probably the longest day of my life to Busan. I’ll spare you the details of the seemingly decade long journey but probably the most interesting part of the day was the Seoul cabbie who hissed “son of a…” every 300 meters and insisted that my suitcase had to be full of books otherwise how could it be so heavy. There were no books in there, I just have a gift. I now live in a sharehouse with three Koreans, one Brazilian, and a corgi. I…

  • Advice

    South Korea: E2 to D10 Visa

    Required Documents Passport photo 35x45mm Passport Current ARC Form #34 (check “change of sojourn”) Completed contract or Letter of Release Official bank statement (“잔액증명서 Certificate of Deposit”) that proves you have at least 750,000 won per month i.e. at least 4.5M for the six month application Proof of residency (lease OR utility bill with name OR fill out form “Confirmation of Residence/Accommodation” and provide appropriate additional documentation OR as I did, use the “Notification of Expiry” that you receive about two months before your E2 expires) 130,000 won application and processing fee I made copies of both my passport and ARC to include in the packet. Form #34 and Confirmation…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 24, Last Day of School

    I wish I could tell you that something special and exciting happened during school my last day but it wasn’t much different than the last few months of this contract. C did have us play a game with the fifth graders so I did have more interaction than usual. Plus, I didn’t cry so that was good. We waited to tell the kids that it was my last day until the very end of class and they didn’t do much more than say goodbye. Of course one boy from last semester who I remember bowing in a 90° angle after he committed a grave error said “You can’t leave! Don’t…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 21

    C: Have you received any maintenance bill? Me: Huh? C: Or when you first moved in, was the landlady there? Or the real estate agent? Me: Nope, it was just me and S. Honestly I don’t think the landlady has ever come in to look at the apartment in the five years an English teacher has lived here. C: So what needs maintenance in the apartment? Where do I begin… Me: the cable doesn’t work, the microwave doesn’t heat up, the bed frame came apart, the AC is dirty as you know, oh and the light fixture is broken. To be fair, I broke that. I left out the part…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 20, Surprise Party

    I got in to school and promptly received an email from S asking if I was free at 11. “We are going to have a party for you in male music teacher’s room,” she told me, and I lamented having not washed my hair. I got to the classroom and on the board were kind words from S along with a few balloons, and a spread of desserts across the makeshift desk table. All the previous subject teachers from last semester gathered, and male music teacher (well, now a homeroom teacher) made pour over coffee like old times and acted as our emcee. He grinds my gears I admit but…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 15, Small Talk

    Today is Liberation day and what with the rain and spike in cases I didn’t make many plans besides an eyelash perm appointment and promise to drop off housewares to an interested party to help lighten my moving load. Before noon I made my way to the beauty shop only to find it dark and locked. I sat on the basement stairs and waited until the owner arrived with her disabled dog and exclaimed “oh my”. Another young woman joined and the two of us lay down in silence while the lash lady prepared everything. I had a moment lamenting the lack of small talk in Korea until the owner…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 13, The Grass is Greener

    C asked me about Busan and sighed wistfully at my response. “I’m really tired of Seoul,” she confessed, “I’ve only ever lived here. I want to try living somewhere else. But my family and my life and my new job…” I heard what she said and everything she didn’t. Family obligation, a long term boyfriend who doesn’t want to move, a five year contract at this school. I asked her when these thoughts came up and she said they’ve been around for the last few years. She had secured a job at an international school on Jeju this year but ultimately declined in favor of keeping her life here. Regret…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    August 12, Small Talk

    One of the newer PTs in a purple t shirt checked me in today at the gym. Since we’re still living in COVID times, I’ve had to write my name and other personal information on a sign in sheet since April. He gestured to a phone on a stand at the desk but I didn’t quite know what he meant. I think there’s an app? I don’t know. He said something about coronavirus and I said I prefer to sign the paper since I didn’t really understand the phone situation. That was fine with him and as I was filling out the sign in sheet, he read my address upside…