• 4.2 Fall 2022

    Hexes for Exes

    Do you remember Anthony? My travel school comrade, the outgoing male teacher, expert volleyball spiker, fighter of restaurant robots, English enthusiast? Yes? Well, he’s dead to me. To explain this saga, I need to line up some details. First, the characters: Anthony: male homeroom teacher at my travel school Jisoo: young female homeroom teacher at my travel school. She, her friend, and I all went out for burgers once. David: Anthony’s friend and male teacher at a different elementary school As of typing this, I have worked at my travel school every Wednesday for almost the past two years. I occasionally play volleyball with the other teachers and greet Jisoo…

  • 4.2 Fall 2022


    I sat on a bench outside of the Lotte Cinema when I heard someone call for me. Two fourth grade girls ran up to my side, huffing in their haste and excitement. I should have guessed they were fourth grade; my older students are too surly to chase me down me the street. One was a girl in purple with a new bobbed haircut. Once she caught her breath, she and her friend giggled too much to say anything. I made out that they were en route to the supermarket. “What will you buy?” I asked in Korean. More giggles. “Pizza? Cake? Steak?!” They giggled more and shook their heads.…