1.3 Winter 2020

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Last Day of Winter Vacation

    This winter vacation has been… Boring. There. I said it! I hate to be ungrateful or even admit to boredom since I’m In A Foreign Country! Having New Experiences! But the virus, endless schedule changes, restricted travel, and winter pollution have made for a vacation that was much less exciting than I imagined. So to commemorate this final day, let’s reminisce about the good things I was able to do: Ask the market sellers in Sokcho about the price of sea cucumber and take some very travel worthy photos Eat 물회 in Gangneung much to the shock of the locals Be a photographer for a Korean family without them having…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Last Saturday of Winter Vacation

    A friend and I spent a delightful afternoon indulging ourselves at a famous strawberry buffet in a place fancier than I could normally afford. After much self coaxing, I rolled myself to the gym still wearing full make up from my strawberry themed outfit. Of course the trainer who I once asked to find my sports bra was there and his shirt was distractingly low cut. Not one of the standard gym uniforms that the rest of us plebeians wear. Unsettling encounters with men would not end there, however. I decided to take a more leisurely bus ride home and while wearing a mask and sitting in the same seats,…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Lashes and Last Friday of Whatever Strange Winter Vacation Land I’m In

    As you know, whatever winter plans I had during this vacation were completely uprooted by the virus and school scheduling changes. It looks like with a continuation of the virus I’ll be unable to visit my former Chinese students in April like I had planned which is a huge bummer. I’m not sure there will be many places I can actually visit during our short April vacation since everywhere I’d like to visit is within Asia. As such I’m in a strange time suspension where I don’t have to work but can’t do much else. So today I decided to cross one thing off my list. I got an eyelash…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    When The Masks Come On

    Face masks offer a certain level of anonymity and as a result, boldness. People tend to ignore me, or perhaps more accurately don’t take excessive notice of me, but once the masks are on, I make and receive a startling amount of eye contact. The other day I hopped off the bus and distantly saw a tall and fit young man, also masked, approaching in very form fitting business wear. It was a lot to observe at 8AM. I looked at him. He looked at me. We continued making very deep eye contact until I rounded the corner and subsequently had to catch my breath. The level of intimacy I’ve…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    First Delivery Order

    There is a very certain kind of fear that is known to few: when you receive a call from a local number in a country whose language you don’t speak. But I had to overcome this fear in order to get delivery fried chicken. Do something every day that scares you, right? I nervously hit enter on the delivery app, my first time to ever get delivery on my own, after leaving a note that I was a foreigner so please talk slowly on the phone. As things tend to go, the delivery man called me because he ended up in another building, then chastised me when I came looking…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    School, Interrupted

    Here we go again! The thing about Covid-19 is that it DEFINITELY runs on Asia Time. I saw on the news that a cult, being as morally righteous and helpful as a cult is, spread the virus all throughout the southern cities of Korea from a stable 50 to a newly reported figure of over 600. I didn’t know if this would affect me since people in Seoul seem less concerned than ever, but a late night “how are you” text from S sent off warning bells in my head. Recall that last time she texted, I had to cancel my vacation. “Did you hear the news? School has been…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020,  Favorites

    A Questionable Friday

    Um. After working out, I decided to visit the seafood pancake place I found the other day. I nervously entered only to find, in a restaurant of four tables, the office manager and one of the older guys (who earlier today fell asleep at his desk). They invited me to sit with them and I didn’t find out until later that they’d already had eight bottles of makgeolli which WOW explains a lot. That’s probably like six bottles of wine. In an increasingly garbled English/Korean conversation the manager told me if I had any hardships to tell him. He added, “we appreciate you working here.” He also said he’d make…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Barista BFF

    My heart! I ate lunch then decided to visit my coffee shop— not the one where the barista hates S but the one with the very chipper young woman. In the afternoons she is joined by a another young guy who doesn’t know me. When the bell rang as I entered the coffee shop she looked over his shoulder and we both waved excitedly at each other. He took my order, there was some confusion but we managed, and I even got up when “vanilla latte” was called. It wasn’t mine so she made a big X and we laughed. Teenage boy looked in on mild confusion. When my drink…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Last Day of Winter Desk Warming

    It has finally arrived! I told the English speaking woman that I wouldn’t be here next week and asked what I should with my things. She seemed confused as to why I would take vacation but I restrained myself from launching into “Vacation, Interrupted”. S told the office manager my situation but let them think what they will. Many of the words we practiced throughout the week were a buildup to “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” by Eric Carle. We practiced colors, then colors and animals, then “I see…”. I read the story once then reviewed I/you/we/us/me which all appeared in the story. Students later had to…