• Advice

    South Korea: Renewing Your E2 Visa Online

    Are you a public school teacher renewing with the same school? Then this list applies to you. Documents: Passport Scan Signed Contract School Business Certificate (고유번호증/사업자등록증) School ID 고유번호증 Obtain this from your school administration (행정실). Proof of Employment (재직증명서) Obtain this from your school administration (행정실). School Teaching Timetable (수업시간표) Request this from your co-teacher or make one yourself. Note: this does not need to be stamped by your school but YMMV. Proof of Income (소득금액증명원) for the previous year Obtain this from Hometax. Income Withholding Receipt (근로소득원천징수부) for the previous year Obtain this from Hometax, NEIS, or your administration office; if you are applying for renewal early in…