1. 2019-2020, Teaching: Year 1

Elementary School. Seoul.

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives),  Favorites

    June 24, Tea Party & The American Dream

    Yesterday, S invited me to her classroom at 1:30pm to visit. C was asleep at her desk when I slid through the sliding door, unbrewed coffee in hand as an offering to S. We ended up chatting for two hours about all kinds of things: birth control, plans, family, school gossip. I don’t know if this is only S, her group of friends, or Korean women her age, but she is woefully unaware of birth control outside of condoms. She said, “I don’t think medicine is healthy for the woman’s body,” to which I had to respond, “well, oral pills for women actually decrease risk of cancer”. I told her…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 22

    As I dried myself off in the communal shower, a woman set up next to me and with a friendly, open face asked where I was from and if I was the teacher. Friends, I do not know if this was the masked woman from the dumpling duo of yore. I imagine it’s another mom and they’ve all conspired to ask me questions individually and combine intel at the end of the week. She then asked if I was 20 대. Now here’s the thing, no matter how many Korean words I learn there’s always one more Chinese origin or formal or written-only or slang version thrown at me right…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 19

    I haven’t seen the former fourth graders in weeks so when I entered the classroom it was equivalent to a WWE ring: they screamed my name and shouted hello. Star student Amy, the one who drew me a portrait on the first day, gave me a Capri sun from her backpack and later showed my a postcard of BTS Jimin taped inside her notebook. After lunch, C made all the students who did not complete their homework come to the English room and finish it there. There was one boy who sat not doing much so I sat down next to him and ended up helping him through the entire…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 18, Revival

    Now that I’m actually (kind of) teaching again, I feel revived. C let me plan and execute the full lesson for fourth grade on Tuesday which went over smashingly. For the first ten minutes of class she handed out a worksheet and instructed students how to glue it into their notebooks lest it get lost in their backpacks. The last fifteen minutes were miiiiiine. I reviewed vocabulary rapid fire using various family photos from the internet; Hyunmin’s family was one of them. Hyunmin is a famous Korean model, the face of No Brand Burger, and a child of a Nigerian father and Korean mother. He speaks only Korean. Even though…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 17

    Today was a flurry of teaching courses, lesson planning, and oh yeah dizzying life choices. In the midst of researching visas and language programs I asked C where I could shred papers and she told me the office staff room or the teacher’s room. “Oh. Then the teacher’s room.” “Why?” She nudged “Um uh I,” I spluttered and added, “give me a minute I’m trying to think of the nicest way to say this,” which made her laugh. “Is it the makgeolli?” She asked. Not quite. I unloaded the whole story of my time in the makeshift office, the drunken encounter, the subsequent ignoring. “And the young woman– she can…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives),  Thoughts & Drabbles

    Life 2020

    I opened the Gyeongsangnam website and was greeted with this: Well, there’s an answer! This, however, is still not in line with my original plan: take off a few months and go back to the USA. This guideline stipulates that I actually cannot leave the country between contracts if I want to work for the GOE this year. It’s time for you to participate in a fun game show: what shall I do with my life? First, let’s review the background information. School Calendars Korean schools start in spring and end in fall, March to January. Teachers can get contacts starting in either fall or spring semester. Gyeongsangnam is the…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 15, 영어 울렁증 or Englishphobia

    I only wanted to cry three separate times today so… progress? I came into 6-1 with the plan to match their energy lest I be more depressed and tired from their lack of interest. I wanted to say something sharp and mean (and true): when you act this way, I wonder why I ever came to Korea in the first place. I didn’t say that of course. 6-3 was thankfully more alive and my spirits were partially restored. I have not seen Weak Boy once which means he either transferred schools or is staying at home. There’s no trio without him. Tank Boy has been looking especially down in class,…

  • 1.4 Spring 2020 (COVID Archives)

    June 12

    It has been a challenging afternoon not for any concrete reason in particular but just this endlessness. Few to no classes— kids will now only come to school one day a week according to Seoul directives; no travel; continued closure or severe monitoring of social places. The usual. My teaching course module took three times longer than it should have because I just couldn’t seem to focus on the screen and after lunch when the final paper was submitted I printed out Pusheen coloring pages and took a mental break with a few crayons. This morning I looked out at the road from my perspective in the coffee shop and…