1.1 Summer 2019

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    July 9, My Squad

    I loooove my southeast Asian classmates. The four of us share level 1 korean and about 100 words of English but we get along just fine. My Thai friend, daily lunch partner, and as of tomorrow shopping teammate, told me today “my husband says ‘Abigail this, Abigail that, don’t you have any other friends?’” We’ll both be in Korea by the time she has her baby (currently 5 weeks) so we’ve already planned a little party. My crew ♥️

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    July 7, Guri Fruit Men

    I could tell you about a lot of little adventures today but I’m most proud of this: After coming down from Acha Mountain over in Guri I passed by a produce stand, flanked by two men, one of whom was calling out deals of the day. He caught my attention with 1000 won blueberries. I was in a hat crouched over some plums when the younger fruit man approached and started talking to me in Korean. I looked up from under the brim of my hat and I swear to you this was the most movie moment of my entire life: There was a very long pause as younger fruit…

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    July 2, 만두

    Having done little except rewrite an essay and go to the gym, I decided a treat was in order. The kind dumpling lady chatted at me in Korean “where are you from? Are you a student?” And a bunch of colloquialisms I didn’t understand. She saw that I hadn’t made it to dumpling four: “ah yes these are big, I know you’re full, I’ll pack it for you”. She dropped a note in the bag to say how I should reheat the leftovers. I didn’t have the heart (or vocabulary) to tell her I don’t have a kitchen but I appreciate her nonetheless! She has been added to the list…

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    July First, July Fools

    Throughout class our two teachers have referred to themselves as “여자선생님” (female teacher) and “남자선생님” (male teacher). Today 남자선생님 asked us what his real name is.Me: “uh… 남자선생님” The whole class had a good laugh. I still don’t remember what his actual name is. Last week my Thai comrade and I asked how to say “shave your armpits” and “pee/poo” because flustering him is amusing and I’m also twelve.

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 29, Predestination

    Today was yet another case of aiming for a certain destination and never arriving for having found something better. Hyundai outlets, kids in fun bobble chairs, duty free super mall, watermelon juice, an alley full of children’s toys, a public lingerie measuring (and now I know my Korean bra size, very useful). The day ended with my fried chicken friend who gave me a free Pepsi with my order. “서비스”, he said, which is my favorite word. You know I love a deal.

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 20, Flowers

    Seoul is really like the Room of Requirement. It doesn’t always give you what you want, but it will give you exactly what you need if you walk by in confusion enough times. I’ve been having a rough day and took a break to get iced coffee and wander for a few minutes before teaching. For the first time I went up the hill in my neighborhood and right around the corner is, I kid you not, a florist slash coffee shop. This is probably the sixth or seventh coffee shop on my block and I’ve added it to the ever expanding list of places to try.

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 17, Asia Time

    Asia time: the inconsistent, cumbersome, or nonlinear timeline in which personal events in Asia tend to progress; often contrary to western assumptions I accepted months ago that I’d be living on Asia time so when things like not getting confirmed housing until two weeks before moving or not getting a straight answer from immigration happen, I just roll with it. But today, oh today was a prime example of AT: Last week I went to the school gym and showed my student ID, assuming that that was enough to use the facilities. The (extremely good looking) man behind the counter informed me that would not be enough and pointed me…

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 14, Placement!

    What was the most surreal thing that happened today? Was it the man who passed by and asked if I was Spanish, then we had a conversation in 3 languages (Korean, English, Spanish)? Was it the email that said I got my preferred placement and will firmly be in Seoul the next 14 months? Was it seeing a foreign man in a Gator shirt pushing a stroller and upon hearing my cry of “Go Gators” did a full 180 to repeat and do the chomp? Or was it that the Lotteria ordering kiosk actually had an English menu? All close contenders.

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 12, A Rant

    I’m at a cafe that’s “hip” with an English menu and “Burrito” neon sign which of course has on ordering kiosk that’s all Korean. I don’t feel deceived though, English is more like a fun accessory at the restaurants on this side of town. But the main takeaway is that I’m sitting next to two English-speaking Europeans who are loudly talking about what they don’t like in Korea: “Koreans are really closed off” Have you considered your behavior might be isolating? And that you don’t speak Korean aka the national language? And that the two of you are here with each other instead of inviting along your Korean classmates? “The…

  • 1.1 Summer 2019

    June 12, Tsundere

    So it turns out the 185 cm tall surly Chinese teenage classmate is actually fluent in English and sort of helpful when he’s not sighing loudly. He still rolls in late to class and uses breaks to smoke and honestly if this was 13 years ago it would be my tsundere manga fantasy coming to life. As it is now, I’m his overbearing big sister who uses our Korean presentation time to make fun of his smoking habits in front of the class: “Abigail, do like vegetables?” “Yes, I like vegetables. Hunjeong, do you like cigarettes?” I failed the first and only quiz BUT at least I’m having a good…