2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    Personal Space

    The weather was threatening to rain as I stood at a corner of the intersection waiting for the light to change. An older woman paused her loud vocal advertisements for a local studio apartment to hand me a free sample. Normally I don’t accept handouts but hey, it’s a new town. She stepped in close to hand it to me. I took it from her extended reach and then asked what in fact she had given me. “Wet tissues,” she said, not moving out my space. She continued to look at me from her vantage point of 8 inches away until I awkwardly said “uh, thank you”. She turned to…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    August 29

    Today, Busan people have proven to be aggressively friendly. And in another astonishing fact, more people have willingly, and usually unpromptedly, spoken to me in English these last few days than the entirety of my time in Seoul. It really calls into question all the times Seoul people have said “How will you survive outside of Seoul? It’s so inconvenient.“ I took the bus which was frankly too efficient and attempted to find some workout clothes at an UnderArmour outlet. Then I took myself on a self-led tour of my soon to be campus. Well, due to the recent COVID outbreak I’ll be having classes online so my theoretical campus.…

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    I heard my roommate tell his girlfriend on the phone about the amazing red sunrise over Busan today. “It was so red, like that chair. I thought I was dreaming.” He noticed me at the kitchen table a few minutes later and excitedly told me the same story. And then I suddenly knew, without a doubt, that he too is an ENFP.

  • 2.1 Summer & Fall 2020

    And now… Busan.

    I got approved for my new visa, I moved out of my terrible little one room in Seoul, and I made my way down in probably the longest day of my life to Busan. I’ll spare you the details of the seemingly decade long journey but probably the most interesting part of the day was the Seoul cabbie who hissed “son of a…” every 300 meters and insisted that my suitcase had to be full of books otherwise how could it be so heavy. There were no books in there, I just have a gift. I now live in a sharehouse with three Koreans, one Brazilian, and a corgi. I…