1.1 Summer 2019

July 12, A Win

As you know, the beginning of this class was a hot mess for me. Now it’s been 6 weeks and I’d like to humbly say I have turned it all around.

I knew things had really changed when one of the studious Chinese asked ME a question. 70% is passing and not all my classmates are right now, even though they studied like crazy for our midterm.

The teacher asked me if I studied a lot for these tests. I said “I didn’t study at all. But I DID hang out with Korean friends.”

(You can see my speaking grade is lowest: “your pronunciation and conversation are great but your spoken grammar… you should study.”)

I do think it’s a real testament to the quality of class time that we absorb so much information that studying is only supplemental. Plus everything that we learn is immediately applicable to our life outside of class. Personally I like to “practice” by shopping and eating.

I plan to take night classes after this summer course is over and will continue ~making an effort~ (PS please buy me a shirt that says that).

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