• 1.1 Summer 2019

    My First Friend

    June 4 I made my first new Korean friend ♥️ She is the AirBnb matriarch and a lovely woman. She forces me to use Korean numbers and took me shopping for necessary items like soap and light up flamingos. After a long trip at Lotte Mart where I seriously debated on a cactus, we ate 순대, 떡볶이, 오뎅 (blood sausage, rice cake, fish cake). Let me tell you, fresh 순대 is a game changer. The cashier lady asked if I needed a fork which I refused (“알아서, 알아서”) because my chopstick game is STRONG but she also had some psychic powers because she pointed me towards the napkins before I…

  • 0. Prologue

    How did I get here?

    Hi. Good morning. Merry Christmas. Happy Summer Solstice. Where do I really start my story? I could begin with the day the plane’s wheels touched down at Incheon airport. Or I could start with my EPIK interview. Or the day I cried at my corporate job realizing I should have moved to Korea like I had wanted. Or when I cried in 2017 because I wanted to move to Korea. Or my first Korean friend in college. Or should I go back back back to high school, sometime between my first job and first boyfriend when I watched my first ever K-drama? The real truth is a combination of all…

  • 0. Prologue

    From the Beginning

    January, 2020Seoul, South Korea Let me explain my origin story. This blog first originated on my private Facebook page. Not ideal for blogging but it allowed my extended family to keep up with my experiences abroad. Initially, I didn’t expect to update daily but then it turns out, I had a lot to say. My coworkers, my new friends, my students, strangers, and even the local alley cats have provided an endless dearth of insight into Korean culture, human relationships, and what it means to live in a completely different home. The setup goes like this: Each day, if there is something to report, you will find a blog post…