1.2 Fall 2019

Week 17, Wednesday

Mom sent me some Christmas candy and Christmas themed bags to pass out to my coworkers. After divvying up the candy and tying the bags, I gave special ones to the subject teachers and put the rest in the teacher’s lounge with a note that said:

안녕하세요! 제 엄마는 크리스마스 과자를 보내셨어요. 맛있게 드세요~

I don’t know if this is correct but I figure mistakes are part of my charm. And look, mom, I referred to you with honorifics! I’m evolving!

S came with me to the teacher’s lounge to explain to the office staff what I was doing. They were very touched by my note and they lauded my Korean skills which I denied. Do I even speak Korean? I don’t know anymore.

But one office worker and one of the home room teachers (of cursed 6-3!) responded in kind.

Mom, we’re a hit!

(It feels especially good to share in a culture that values sharing.)

I saved two bags and gave one to each to the morning and afternoon security guards. The sterner (looking) one on afternoon duty asked in Korean what it was and if it was for him. Of course! He smiled in surprise and replied in cute English “thank you!”


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