Desk Warming, Day 5
I figured out why this week has been a bit more draining than expected.
During the school year I had S, H, G, and 250 little gremlins to keep me company.
Now my days have been reduced to what would be ideal for an introvert: Hello, no thanks, goodbye. Not out of the ordinary for an office by any means. But my little extrovert heart needs those daily power ups.
However, I got a power up today from the stern security guard.
I came back from a delightful little lunch of blood sausage soup made by a cute older couple at an empty traditional restaurant. “Ah solo.” He commented again. I told him the office staff eats too fast and then thought, maybe I shouldn’t be telling all the other school workers I think that. But honestly I’m still feeling offended by their discourteous behavior and I’m not above being petty.

He added something else which I didn’t know so we both whipped out our smart phone dictionaries. While doing so I asked him why the school gates were open only a little bit, just enough for a person.
He then popped off about the construction workers and when he saw I didn’t understand he said something like “you don’t know what I’m saying.”
Me: nope!
He finally explained 참는다 which means “hang in there” or “tough it out” since vacation is soon. He gave me some examples and I finally got it! We had a good laugh and he’s my new favorite person.
We’re both people who look stern when not smiling but like children when we do. Comrades.