• Side Quests

    To Sokcho

    I woke up this morning and said to myself, what shall we do today? But when I checked the pollution air quality, as I do every day, I decided to NOPE straight out of Seoul. Seoul AQI PM2.5 was 163 and Sokcho was… 25. Most small US cities are between 20 and 50. I immediately booked a hostel for the same day in Sokcho. Then I did laundry, went to the gym, and headed directly to the bus terminal where I was able to book a ticket for the bus coming in 30 minutes. The bus terminal has changed much since 2016 when my friend and I visited: The floor…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Desk Warming, Day 5

    I figured out why this week has been a bit more draining than expected. During the school year I had S, H, G, and 250 little gremlins to keep me company. Now my days have been reduced to what would be ideal for an introvert: Hello, no thanks, goodbye. Not out of the ordinary for an office by any means. But my little extrovert heart needs those daily power ups. However, I got a power up today from the stern security guard. I came back from a delightful little lunch of blood sausage soup made by a cute older couple at an empty traditional restaurant. “Ah solo.” He commented again.…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Desk Warming, Day 4

    I declined lunch (in your face!) and wandered around for ten minutes before I decided to eat at a type of rice bowl fast food place. It turns out the older man running the small store knows English much to my surprise. He said he worked in Saudi Arabia for four years but has since forgotten most of his English since then. Having been run down by cold city folk I jumped on the opportunity to have small talk. I asked him if he had children and we ended up talking for a while. He showed me pictures of his granddaughter and of some arrangements his daughter-in-law makes as a…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020,  Favorites

    Desk Warming, Day 3

    I attended lunch with the staff and ate as fast as I could. And yet somehow, they ate even faster. “Koreans eat really quickly” one explained as I nearly dribbled water over myself in their haste. We left for the restaurant at 11:50 and exited the restaurant at 12:06. That includes walking there, waiting for the food, and eating. Y’all. That’s sixteen minutes TOTAL. He lied. I have never eaten with or near Koreans who scarf down hot rice and boiling soup in under 8 minutes. Plus Korean food is not calorically dense so more bites are required (rice, soup, fish on the bone, side dishes for the rice). And…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Desk Warming, Day 2

    And here’s a funny thing about languages that don’t have subjects: H texted me 아비게일 왜이렇게 웃겨요 ..? Which I took to mean “why is it so funny to you?” But actually she meant “why are you so funny?” [lit: Abigail why this way funny-be] The stern-looking security guard and I crossed paths as I was leaving this afternoon. When he’s not smiling he looks like an officer and when he smiles he looks like a grandfather. He waved, approached, and said “I feel bad. You’re alone. Solo.” I replied. “Yes. So sad. :(“ he patted me comfortingly on the shoulder in a way that confirms he is definitely a…

  • 1.3 Winter 2020

    Desk Warming, Day 1

    I nervously made my way to the makeshift office to discover a bustling room and my new desk covered in Ethernet cables and electrical cords. But an older man and young woman quickly cleared it off and even wiped it down. I was further appeased when the man offered me coffee. I saw him mix at least 5 for himself throughout the day. The young woman, who speaks surprisingly good English, gave me a space heater too. Having spent winter in a drafty classroom with such poor heating that I usually wear a jacket indoors, this is nice. Luxury, even. I spent the first two hours of this morning studying…

  • 1.2 Fall 2019

    Last Day of Fall Semester

    I did attend the grade 6 graduation. Upon entering the venue where all the students sat in their caps and gowns, the 6-4 girls called out “Ah Abigail Teacher!!”. I waved back and made my way to S to see if there was anything I needed to do but was intercepted by a gaggle of grade 4 girls. One clung to my arm like a koala while they other two excitedly told me their older sisters were graduating. Several other grade 3 and 4 kiddos were there to see their siblings graduate and the resemblances were uncanny. I pointed out Seungkwan Jr to H. “Oh, you mean Kyungmin?” Once she…

  • 1.2 Fall 2019

    Week 20, Thursday

    Final Week of Fall Semester This is the first week I’ve sat more than I’ve stood and my back is answering for it. I’m wondering how I’ll survive the next three weeks of desk warming. 3-4 also declined class today so H and I had a long discussion about come versus go in Korean. It ended again with H saying I needed to stay at this elementary school for another year (she’d return for the last half of it) and saying I need a Korean boo. “Where should I meet him?” “Um maybe in the street?” “Should I make business cards with my phone number that say ‘date me’?” “That’s…

  • 1.2 Fall 2019

    Week 20, Tuesday

    Final Week of Fall Semester Sometimes I am disturbed by the sass and awareness of Jaekyung, the grade 3 girl who wrote me a note. It’s hard to remember she’s just ten when she looks at me and shakes her head at the antics of her less mature classmates. Thursday will be my last class with grade 3, except for 3-2 whose homeroom teacher has decided to keep them to herself that day. We closed out today by having them present their self introductions. H helped me explain why “I like cat” is wrong, “I like a cat” is grammatically correct but used for a single, specific cat, and why…